Thursday, June 27, 2013

I Am the Luckiest Person in the World

Well, everyone, this is it. My last week in Washington is wrapping up, and I feel so many good emotions, I don't really know what to say.

For the past three months I feel like I've been living in a dream...working outside everyday on a farm, staying with a loving and supportive family, meeting beautiful people almost daily...the good energy has almost never stopped coming to me, and I'm trying my hardest not to forget it.

Last Sunday, my host family had a small party for me with family friends, pie, and sangria. It was a nice closure for me, and to my surprise they all had nice things to say about my impact on them, their kids, the community, etc. I gave them each a goodbye hug after a game of croquet in the spitting rain, and told them how much I've appreciated their support in the past few months.

As I watched from the front porch the last family trickle away like the tears on my cheek, I told Sylvia how I felt like I was the luckiest person in the world. She put her arm around me, smiled, and said, "You are."

I am the luckiest person in the world. And I would like to thank a few people for making me that one lucky person.

Thank you, Sylvia, for being my rock during my time here. I am so happy you cautiously opened your home up to an intern three months ago, because that enabled us to meet each other and have so many fun times and reflective conversations together. Thank you for encouraging me not to clear-cut my "forest" and embrace the person I am who everyone else might not want to see. I am very sad to be leaving you now, but it won't be forever; I have no doubt that we'll meet again.
And I've decided that in addition to being my soul mother, you are also now one of my favorite people.

Sylvia with our delicious pizza at the Farmer's Market

Thank you, Nicole, for being the best boss I'll probably ever have. You've made me feel so comfortable working not only for you, but with you, right from the start. It's a wonderful feeling to get up everyday  to work with such a fantastic role-model and mentor. You've helped me discover things in myself that I had never seen before, and I've appreciated your constant openness to discussion during both difficult and successful times. You're a super rad chick, a true change agent, and don't you forget it!

Nicole taking a pause from flawlessly wrestling with building materials for a goat shelter

Thank you, Roland, for testing my patience every day. I picked up some quality negotiation tips from you, and loved going on walks with you as well as jumping on the trampoline together. I hope you continue to be sensitive to your experiences and express your emotions strongly. And keep up the awesome hugs, those were great.
Roland "holding the sun" on one of our walks together

Thank you, Ginger, for showing me how lucky I am to have such a supportive group of family and friends. You'll probably never read this, but in case you stumble upon it, I want to let you know that you've been an inspiration for me to not let other people stop me from prioritizing my health, my happiness, and my safety. You've made me think and reflect on the importance of our connections with each other and with the earth, and I am a much more conscious person because of it.

Ginger harvesting for our first CSA (Nicole took the picture, I snagged it off of her Facebook)

Thank you, Bernie, for making dinner almost every night and not looking at me like I'm crazy when I talk about, well, "crazy" stuff. Also, thanks for letting me borrow your car, your bike, your boots, for cooking fantastic gluten-free pancakes on the weekends, and making refreshing shakes in the mornings. I too have enjoyed our silent, spontaneous choreography across the kitchen on weekdays. No expectations for light conversation, just breakfast, lunch-making, and out the door.

Bernie trying to "bite" Sylvia as she goes in for a kiss...taken at Elevated Ice Cream in downtown PT

Thank you, Bo, for making the best pies I've ever tasted. Also thank you for bringing Midge over when you went away. Her unique spirit helped me learn that sometimes it's good to stop and smell the roses (or just stop and look at the person in front of me for a bit). And your gift in the cheese box touched my heart and made me cry.

Roland (being charming as always), Bernie, and Bo at the Rhody Parade.

Bo feeding the doggies in the kitchen (Midge on left, Winnie on right)

Thank you, Tim, for giving me a ride to Sunfield almost every day. And for introducing me to fairies, and raising three lovely children with Andrea (also a super awesome person, mom, and creative crafter). Maybe someday I can join you all at Fairy Congress.

Tim with his adorable daughter, Yemma

Thank you, Monica, for being a teaching inspiration and lovely person in general. That talk we had on the beach in Port Ludlow was really encouraging for me, and your journey to becoming a Spanish teacher and all the juggling that has come in between leaves me speechless. I don't know how you do it so flawlessly.
Monica and me laughing on the beach in Port Ludlow (she has a fantastic laugh, by the way)

And a GIANT thank you goes out to all of my family and friends back home in Ohio. I could go on forever listing all of your names and the incredible things you've done to support me during this journey, but I think you know who you are, and I'll see you soon enough to tell you of your phenomenal brilliance. I love you all so much and can't wait to see you soon.

As I was lying in the wet grass a few nights ago with Sylvia and Winnie, listening to the birds and trying to get "Build Me Up Buttercup" out of my head (I played it earlier that evening on Roland's ukulele, with Sylvia on guitar and Bernie on bass), I was thinking about how happy I am to be at this stage in my life. I don't know exactly where it is I'm going, but I know it's good. I'm looking forward to this next quarter at Antioch, and I'm definitely looking forward to having more misc"Elaine"ous experiences.

Goodbye Spring Co-op of 2013, goodbye beautiful people of Port Townsend, Washington and Sunfield Farm and Waldorf School. Thank you for EVERYTHING.

P.S. I made a video

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